Feb 2022
Vitrified Tiles
Bluetone Ceramic, The distinction In Tiles Size. Coated Vitrified Tiles area unit a lot of Brittle Than Polished Glazed Vitrified Tiles , so that they usually seem In little Sizes, together with 600X600 mm. shiny Slabs area unit the tiniest Size Of 800X800 mm, 1200X1200 mm And Even larger Vitrified Tiles .
They Are Entirely finishing The rough-textured Body, The Vitrified Tiles higher With area, creating It the primary alternative Not just for The Designer however conjointly For the buyer By Bluetone Ceramic .
Contrast ceramic ware Tiles Vs Vitrified Tiles :- >
Porcelain And Vitrified Tiles area unit wide Used for his or her Material Strength. they need quite an range of comparable Characteristics however There area unit Some Distinct variations Between each The Tiles.
Porcelain Tiles also are called Ceramic Tiles That area unit additional Hardened therefore on Increase The Density, Strength And build The Tile impervious .
Vitrified Tiles area unit factory-made By the method Of Vitrification Of The Tiles that Imparts A Glass Look To The Tiles and build a really consistent and robust Material.
Porcelain Tiles area unit factory-made By The mud Press methodology whereas Vitrified Tiles area unit factory-made By the method Of mechanical press methodology.
Porcelain Tiles is utilized in Residential Areas And Areas Having Medium business Traffic.
Vitrified Tiles is utilized in Residential Areas And Areas Having High business Traffic.